I know, I know. I’m growing weary as well. We get a tease of mid 50’s weather here in “The Q” and we are ready for spring. Then the following few days we get a healthy blanket of snow. NO! I’m done. I’m sick of layers and a frozen nose. I want shorts and flip flops. I’m ready for spring!
Whoa, slow down there partner. We have a good month before we can even remotely get our hopes up. My mom used to say the best thing about January is that is ends. February is making a pretty quick exit as well. We don’t want to wish our lives away however, spring is “just around the corner!”
Languagehumanities.org defines the term “just around the corner” or “just around the bend” to suggest that something you are anticipating is going to happen in a very short amount of time. For those who don’t adore winter, while we wait out the last few weeks, perhaps we should do something productive until spring has sprung.
The faithful have a religious holiday on the horizon which starts with 40 days to focus on spiritual matters, along with fish on Fridays and no meat just to mention a few. Others have candy, bunnies, parties and an Easter dress in mind. I have personally never been big on the idea of “giving things up” but prefer to “do something” instead. I read an article on blog.oakkknoll.org that reinforces what I try to adhere to. If you choose to give something up…by all means go for it. Might you also consider doing something kind for someone as well as yourself as we move toward spring. We are just around the bend for a time of renewal and restoration.
- Volunteer your time. Everyone has 24 hours in their day.
- Take up a collection or donate to those who may need it. What is an extra couple of bucks to you?
- Clean out your closet and give to someone who has less than you do. Do you really need 10 blankets, 20 coats and 30 sweaters?
- Call a friend or relative who might love to hear your voice. They may be feeling lonesome.
- Invite someone to coffee or lunch. Be the good you want to see in the world.
- Help with a task. Many hands make light work.
- Give a sincere compliment. You’ll probably make their whole day.
- Make someone laugh.
Random acts of kindness can change a life. With the change of seasons can come with a change of attitude, habits and actions especially when it comes to your health. At HDD we strive to focus on patient care and relations no matter what season is upon us. We recognize you, the patient, as the most important part of our team. Without you, there is no us. Thank you for your trust in our company and thank you for your continued support. As always, when diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.