Today’s blog will cover something that I have never been remotely interested in until recently.  The subject du jour is stretching.  I know…boring.  I am one of those who just wants to immediately hit the weight room floor or hit the pavement for a walk.  I’m far too hyper to waste my time stretching…until now.



Especially when you are in a hurry, it is easy to become tempted to skip stretching.  I am guilty as charged.  I always felt like it wasted my time.  Clearly I was wrong.  Stretching is very important to improve circulation, increase blood flow and prevent injury.



I’m ashamed to say that I have been actively stretching for only about a month now.  I’m here to tell you it makes a huge difference even in that short amount of time. give us the 5 biggest benefits of stretching.

  • Increases flexibility to prevent injury.
  • Reduces inflammation.
  • Improves strength.
  • Allows freedom of movement.
  • Improves relaxation and mental wellbeing.



There are a few different forms of stretching.  Static stretching is possibly the most common form.  This type of stretching involves lengthening a muscle to its furthest point and holding that position for at least 30 seconds. This type of stretching can lengthen a tight muscle and increase flexibility when performed often if not daily.



Dynamic stretching is movement based stretching. It requires working muscles through a range of motion to increase flexibility and mobility. Unlike static stretching, these poses are not held.



I am proof that you aren’t too old.  Although I admit I’m still not a fan of stretching, I now do it because I understand how important it is. I can’t say it is comfortable just yet but I imagine it will become more so with practice.  If you are new to stretching, go slowly so you don’t hurt yourself and gradually build up the amount of time you hold a static stretch as well as how often you do it.



John and I have a dear friend who is about 5 years younger than we are.  We occasionally tease him because he absolutely cannot sit in the “Criss-cross applesauce” position because he is so inflexible.  I’ve thought of him many times as I’ve embarked on my new stretching routine. reports that stretching helps with flexibility, decreases the risk of lower back pain, promotes circulation, prepares the body for exercise, improves functional performance, reduces muscle tension, enhances muscle relaxation, helps reduce and manage stress , improves posture, helps relieve post exercise aches and pains, could help reduce your risk of injury as well as decrease muscle stiffness and increase range of motion.



In case you don’t know, here at HDD, we are able to see your muscles (hopefully they are nice and stretched out,) joints, tendons, ligaments nerves and joints with musculoskeletal ultrasound.  If you and your provider determine diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.

Happy stretching!