Today’s blog is one of those random little gems that has to do with waves. I’m not talking about ultrasound waves or beach waves. Today’s topic is important, not because it has to do with ultrasound, but because it affects the health of each and every one of us. The topic du jour is sunscreen and some facts and myths associated with this innocuous potion. Whether you like or hate it, let’s deal with it.
Many years ago, I remember working tirelessly on that deep, dark, Hawaiian tropic tan. My buddies and I would stop at nothing in order to achieve a bronzed body. Let’s face it, fat looks a little better when it is tanned, or so we thought. We would slather on baby oil, cooking oil or Crisco (no, I’m not kidding) and bake for hours in hot pursuit of that golden glow. We even used silver reflecting screens to make sure our faces received the full benefit. Back then, nobody cared about UV rays.
UVA and UVB are both forms of ultraviolet light. Medical News Today explains that UVA light has a longer wave that penetrates into the thickest layer of the skin. Unprotected exposure to UVA can lead to skin aging, wrinkles and a suppressed immune system. UVB rays have a shorter wave and are mostly responsible for sunburn, which plays a key role in causing permanent damage over time as well as developing skin cancer. Yikes!
The following are 12 sunscreen myths that might surprise you.
- Sunscreen is not always necessary.
- Sunscreen will prevent the body from absorbing vitamin D. Wrong again.
- Sunscreen causes health problems. Do your research.
- People with dark skin do not need sunscreen. Yes, they do.
- Tanning beds provide a protective base tan. That’s just dumb.
- Makeup is enough to protect the face. Seriously?
- Sunscreen works better than covering up. Covering up is better protection that any sunscreen.
- You cannot tan while wearing sunscreen. Yes, you can.
- All sunscreen is the same. Use a broad spectrum and apply liberally and often, even on cloudy days.
- One application last all day. Sorry, Charlie. You should reapply every 2-4 hours at least.
- Sunscreen is waterproof. That is an overstatement. No sunscreen is 100% waterproof.
- Sunscreen never expires. Ha! Like anything else, the active ingredients break down over time. You should be using it so liberally, you shouldn’t have any leftover to expire!
I’ll admit, I hate applying sunscreen much less doing it often and liberally. My friend, who has been diagnosed with melanoma, might not be overly empathetic. Melanoma is responsible for most skin cancer deaths. Get over your laziness, slather on and cover up. Skin cancer is more of a pain than the few minutes it takes to protect yourself.
We are interested in all sorts of waves, but especially ultrasound waves, hence this closing paragraph! If we can help in this area, call us at 505-3397.