Folks, we are in the homestretch of 2021.  Halloween is in the rear view mirror and the holidays are on the horizon.  In a couple of months, we welcome 2022.  We thought 2020 was rough.  Not in our family.  2021 was excruciating yet we are alive, well and here to talk about it.  I hope today’s blog inspires you to take some action.



Covid and the Delta variant have been the subject of discussion for the last year and a half.  Enough already!  Those of us who escaped relatively unscathed are grateful.  Those who were not as fortunate, we honor and remember you.  There have been other misfortunes that many of us have weathered that are not Covid related.  I’d like to share as a reminder, we all need to take action.



Our family has endured the death of 2 precious family members in the last 8 weeks, which incidentally were not Covid related.  The end of life can be excruciating and confusing for everyone involved.  Please remember to take care of your business before your number is up! Time waits for no one. One of my departed loved ones left me “in charge” of her affairs upon her death.  It is an honor to carry out her final wishes and it is an unimaginable responsibility even though she “had her ducks in a row.”



After going through countless files, documents, policies, worldly possession, furniture, clothing, and basic things we humans tend to hoard, let me give you a nickels worth of free advice.  De-crap!  Even if your will and trust are in order, there are myriad things that need meticulous attention that have nothing to do with legalities.  Do your family a favor, if you don’t need it, don’t adore it or use it, get rid of it before someone else has to!



The series of unfortunate events has gotten John and I into action.  If you haven’t made an appt with your attorney to do a will and trust, I hope you are inspired to make the call. If your house looks like K-mart on a bad day, get rid of stuff!  We think we have time.  We don’t.  A friend of a friend simply didn’t awake from her slumber at age 36.  She thought she had time.  She did not.  In addition to unimaginable shock and grief, the inevitable task at hand is more than anyone deserves to deal with.  Take care of your affairs…now!



Today’s blog has nothing to do with ultrasound, yet it does have to do with your health and your affairs.  Please take care of both.  When you don’t have your health, you have little.  Get tested, screened and treated as indicated.  Take care of yourself and make life a little easier on your loved ones as well.  If we can help in the diagnosis with ultrasound, call us at 505-720-5623.  Remember early detection can save lives.