Thanks for reading today’s blog.  It was born from some gym experiences I thought I’d share. As you probably know, most gyms are covered in wall to wall mirrors. Mine is no exception.  It got me wondering why we have such a need to look at ourselves.  Is it a bad thing?  Maybe it is a good thing, and we should look at ourselves a bit more carefully and more often. What exactly is your reflection telling you?



I’ve belonged to the same gym for about 29 years now.  I’ve been witness to the unabashedly narcissistic, the shy and intimidated and those of us in between. Most of us are just “regular people” who are simply there to get a bit of exercise because maintaining our health is important to us.  I’m guilty of glancing in the mirror occasionally during my workout.  They are everywhere so it is hard to avoid.



My reflection shows a middle-aged woman with a ponytail, no makeup and sweats doing the best she can with what she has.  I can’t compete with folks half my age, nor do I want to.  Although my gym experience is less than glamorous, the only reflection this ole’ gal is interested in is my own.



The mirrors serve as a reminder that what we see reflects our choices.  What do you see when you look in the mirror?   We sometimes tease about the puffed up bodybuilders who spend their life pumping iron and eating a diet that would starve a bird.  Their choices and dedication are reflected in their physique.  There are those who’s feet have never crossed the threshold of a gym, donned a pair of athletic shoes or have the slightest interest in healthy eating.  How do your choices affect your health?



Is the mirror reflecting a somewhat healthy lifestyle or is it the opposite?  Can you walk for at least 30 minutes without feeling like you might die?  Can you lift something heavier than a 16 oz beer?  If so, good for you!  If your image is reflecting an overweight, out of breath, low energy individual complaining of chronic aches and pains, perhaps it is trying to tell you something. Remember, mirrors don’t lie!



Let’s say your reflection is showing you an unhealthy mind, body and spirit. Now what?  Get started.  You are in competition with no one.  Do your personal best with a healthier you as a goal.  Do you need to reduce the portions, snuff out the cigarettes, cut back on the booze, and get off the couch?   Start with baby steps.  Every little thing you do counts.  Rome wasn’t built in a day.   Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.



If HDD can help improve what your reflection has to say about you through diagnostic ultrasound, we’d be happy to help.  Give us a call at 505-350-3397.