Today’s blog is a repeat from 2017 and is about control.  The inspiration came from my daily Pinterest journey.  The following words of wisdom were pinned a while ago and resurrected just today.  I always try give credit where credit is due however, I don’t know who deserves it for the following inspiration.  None the less, I wanted to borrow and share.  



Let’s be honest.  We, I included, don’t feel like “Sister Merry Sunshine” every day.  Some days “Debbie Downer” is a bit more accurate.  We can’t always feel positive, inspired, motivated nor can we always control our thoughts.   That being said, there are so many things we can control with a modicum of effort.  Try these on for size.



Your beliefs

Your attitude

Your thoughts

Your perspective

How honest you are

Who your friends are

What books you read

How often you exercise

The type of food you eat

How many risks you take

How kind you are to others

How you interpret situations

How kind you are to yourself

How often you say “I love you”

How often you say “Thank you”

How often you express your feelings

Whether or not you ask for help

How often you practice gratitude

How many times you smile today

The amount of effort you put forth

How you spend/invest your money

How much time you spend worrying

How often you think about your past

Whether or not you judge other people

Whether or not you try again after a setback

How much you appreciate the little things you have



I can buy into the above-mentioned ideas with a huge amount of success however, not always.  For example, don’t think about a big blue ocean with crashing waves right now.  What did you just think about?  Now, tell me again how you can control your thoughts?   The power of suggestion can be mighty powerful.  Be selective about what you think, say, read, listen to or what or who you are influenced by.



Speaking of selective, if your healthcare provider determines that an ultrasound is indicated, be selective.  Maintain control and be your own healthcare advocate.  Speak up.  It is your body.  It is your choice.  Suggest High Desert Doppler, the leader in mobile diagnostic ultrasound.  Call us at 505-350-3397.