We made it! As much as I love to see the holidays come, I love to see them go. We tend to make unhealthy choices during this time. January is the month when we well-meaning resolutioners commit to better health, fitness, diet, prevention and lifestyle.
This week’s blog has absolutely nothing to do with ultrasound, however I ran across a YouTube reel that I found interesting. I believe it is important to share with you because it has to do with healthcare. It pertains to skin cancer and things that you may not be aware of.
The short bit of information came from Dr. Annette Bosworth who said she can actually spot basil cell carcinoma on a random stranger while simply out shopping. That this kind of cancer is less deadly and your doctor should be able to recognize it immediately. It is melanoma that we need to worry about.
In the dermatology world they use an acronym of A B C D and E that teaches us what they are looking for.
- A stands for asymmetrical. It is not an equal shape on both sides.
- B is the border. It is generally not smooth and it changes.
- C is color. It is not one color throughout the lesion and can go from a light brown to even a black inside the lesion.
- D is for diameter. Over 6 millimeters is where it can get dangerous. It is about the size of an eraser on a pencil.
- E is for evolving which means the shape and color evolve over time which means get checked!
In my youth, I didn’t think much about going to the dermatologist. I do now. I have 2 friends who had melanoma. Thankfully they are both still around to talk about it. It is the most dangerous type of skin cancer appearing as a new spot or change in an existing freckle or mole. Any abnormalities should get checked. Over 95% of skin cancers can be successfully treated if they are found early.
That beautiful Coppertone glow is more popular than the pasty white look, however it comes at a cost. A suntan does not indicate good health. Skin cancer occurs when skin cells are damaged and mutate, leading to uncontrolled cell growth. The primary cause of skin cancer is exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun or artificial sources like tanning beds. Remember, a “base tan” is already a sign of skin damage.
How do we reduce the risk of skin cancer? Practice sun safety by using sunscreen religiously, cover your skin during sun exposure, and avoid the intense UV rays of indoor tanning.
High Desert Diagnostics can’t help you with the diagnosis of skin cancer. However, we can help in the diagnosis a variety of conditions because ultrasound shows the structures inside the body. The images help with diagnosis and treatment for many diseases and conditions. Call us at 505-350-3397