Hello and thanks for taking time to read this week’s blog. I’d like to relay 2 different experiences I had recently and the dichotomy between the two.  One is a prime example of exuberance and positivity while the other is that of chronic complaint and negativity.  Both instances are my clients in their early 80’s.  The difference in attitude between both inspired today’s blog.  See if this story has you doing some soul searching.



Example number one is a long-time client of mine. For the sake of the blog, I’ll call her “Ann.”  She is a stunningly beautiful human being both inside and out.  Her history involves the loss of two husbands, one of which suffered Alzheimer’s, she battled breast cancer including a mastectomy, melanoma, and a difficult knee replacement a few years ago.  She has had her share of hard knocks yet exudes positivity.  I adore her.



While I also love “Ella”, she is unable to muster much positivity about anything.  She has also had her share of hard knocks.  Most who have circled the sun 80 plus years might tell you the same.  Some people have the innate ability to focus on joy while others tend to ruminate on bleakness.  Bless Ella’s heart.  She falls into the latter category.  Both clients have a piece of my heart, yet I find exceptional joy spending time with the one who makes an effort to be positive.  These examples help me put my own attitude in check.



There is no question that emotions and thoughts can affect your health.  Negative emotions can zap mental energy and negatively affect the body leading to health problems.  Negativity can lead to chronic stress which upsets the hormone balance of the body, depletes the brain chemicals required for happiness and can damage the immune system.  Chronic stress can actually decrease our lifespan.



Studies show that positive emotions benefit you in many ways including faster recovery from disease, better sleep, fewer illnesses, and a greater sense of overall happiness.  With practice and mindfulness, we can learn to develop a mindset of positivity, gratitude, joy, good health, and wellbeing even though sometimes circumstances make it a bit more challenging.



Think about yourself for a minute.  When you interact with others, do you fill their proverbial cup?  If your cup is empty due to mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, it is impossible to pour from an empty cup.  Think about ways to fill your cup and recharge your batteries.

“It’s not about whether the glass is half-empty or half-full, it’s about making the most of whatever is in the glass.”

-Rachel Wojo



We are concerned for your health and sincerely hope that you find a way to fill your cup if you find it is only half full.  These are challenging times.  Keep your chin up and keep reaching for the stars.  If we can help, call us at 505-350-3397.