How are we doing guys?  Summer 2023 is in full swing.  Do you have a good attitude and a sense of optimism that will help catapult you over most any obstacle that is thrown your way?  I sure hope this summer proves to be fun, happy and healthy.  On that note, look ahead, be positive and quit complaining!



Lately we are hard pressed to run across a soul who doesn’t have a slew of complaints about either what has happened, what is happening or what will happen.  Let’s all look at the negative, pessimistic, depressing side of things, shall we?  We get a lot more validation when we commiserate, right?  Wrong.



“I cried because I had no shoes, then I met a man who had no feet.”

-Mahatma Gandhi



The above quote by no means minimizes our concerns nor does it render them invalid.  It is simply a reminder to be grateful for the good things you have.  Have some optimism, positivity and hope for the future and for the love of Pete, keep the complaining to a dull roar.



Complaining is defined as the expression of dissatisfaction or annoyance about something.  Oh come on.  We all do it probably more often than we care to admit.  Consistent complaining or the propensity to complain is where we run into trouble.  Remember that complaining impacts those around you who, in turn, impact you.


CHRONIC says chronic complainers don’t usually see themselves as negative people.  They see the world as negative and themselves as merely responding appropriately to annoying, aggravating and unfortunate circumstances.  They complain excessively because they believe that have ample reason to do so.



We are not talking quitting heroine.  We are talking about how we might cut back on the need to complain. gives us a few suggestions about how to quit chronic complaining and become the kind of person that people actually enjoy being around.

  • Nourish a positive attitude. Change the way you think.
  • Learn to adapt. The only sure thing about life is that nothing stays the same.
  • Be more mindful.
  • Be assertive.
  • Be less judgmental.
  • Be responsible.
  • Keep moving forward.



As I type the above information, I did a little self-reflection.  I realize that I could personally benefit from the above suggestions. Complaining is a bad habit.  I know that misery loves company.  Maybe we should keep better company as we focus on complaining less and becoming more mindful.  Like they say, if you don’t do it for you, do it for someone who loves you!



As always, we do our best to deliver the highest quality, prompt mobile diagnostic ultrasound to you.  Have we ever had a complaint?  Of course we have.  We have used those complaints as teaching tools to make things right.  We want your ultrasound experience with us to be a great one.  You can reach us at 505-350-3397.