I hope today finds you happy and well! A huge majority of the time, this is my circumstance, however some days I just feel old and tired.  On those days, I look in the mirror to do my hair and makeup and wonder who that old lady is staring back at me.  It might have something to do with the greying hair…ya think?



Aging can be shocking and scary but if you look at it from a positive point of view, it is actually quite a privilege.  Some didn’t or won’t have the luxury of growing older.  Wrinkles, crepey skin and grey hair are all part of the glorious process.  Embracing the process can make the journey a joy.



I read an article recently posing the question, “Why does our hair turn grey?”  The answer if pretty simple and has to do with a group of natural pigments called melanin.  The more melanin we have, the darker our hair.  Less melanin means lighter hair.  As we age, the cells slow down, hence producing less melanin.



Dr. Loretta Ciraldo, board-certified dermatologist says smoking, psychological stress, physical stress, and unhealthy diet actually contribute to greying hair.  She believes one of the biggest culprits is sun.  Who knew?  Of course, if your mom or dad turned grey prematurely, chances are you are next.  Heredity plays a role to some degree.



If you exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet, get an adequate amount of rest, get your health checked regularly and keep stress to a dull roar, chances are the answer to that question is “I’m aging well.”  Thedermgrouppartners.com gives us a few indicators that we are aging well.

  • You have fewer wrinkles.
  • You heal from acne quickly (yes we get it even if we are old.)
  • You have minimal hair loss.
  • You don’t have sunspots.
  • Your skin stays hydrated.



As we age, we naturally lose elastin, collagen and melanin to name a few.  This in addition to years of chasing that deep golden tan along with hot showers that parch our skin, wrinkles are pretty tough to avoid. Alternatively, there are those who keep our plastic surgeons in business with an abundance of Botox, poufy fillers and tight shiny faces.  More power to you if that is your thing.  Others chose to age naturally and gracefully.  Our body, our choice.



We at HDD can do nothing about slowing the aging process or the old lady looking back at you in the mirror.  If you are in less than optimum health, a little grey hair and a few wrinkles are the least of our concern.  Eat well, drink LOTS of water, move your body, rest, have a low stress existence, enjoy your family and friends and don’t waste your life worrying about things you can’t control.  Live your life and enjoy the ride!  If we can help in any diagnostic ultrasound exams you might require, call us at 505-350-3397.