Today’s blog comes to you with a few fine features such as education, inspiration and a dash of motivation.  It, however, does not come with a lifetime guarantee.  What does come with a lifetime guarantee? The question is, who’s lifetime?



A lifetime guarantee normally means the manufacturer will repair or replace a defective part for the lifetime of a product. Not your lifetime.  Chances are if you’re 90 years old, you won’t get a refund on the defective fridge you bought in 1950.



As much as I like to keep things upbeat and report that we will always be happy, healthy, peppy, and bursting with life, I can report no such thing. The fact of the matter is, each day our bodies are getting older and just like the fridge, things break down.



Your body is truly marvelous. It has performed day in and day out from the minute you were born.  It knows how to breathe, beat your heart, circulate your blood, think and move. The execution of these tasks are done largely without much thought from you. Many of us take for granted we will open our eyes in the morning, get out of bed and function optimally till it is time to count sheep. This is not always the case.  As the minutes tick by, we are aging.  What was once a youthful and strong physique may now be creaking, popping and in some degree of a degenerative state.



What is happening to us as the clock ticks. What is normal and what is not? reminds us that our heart works harder, our skin feels different, we find it harder to see and hear, your teeth and gums change, your bones become more brittle, you have to pee more often. It’s harder to get around and stay fit as well as our sleep patterns change along with our appetite.



Although there is no way to stop the clock, there are a few things that we can do to make the wonderful process called life so much more enjoyable.

  • Eat a healthy well balanced diet.
  • Get adequate sleep.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain a healthy gut.
  • Manage your stress level.
  • Avoid risky behavior.
  • See your healthcare provider regularly.
  • Do for others.
  • Have a positive mindset.
  • Don’t forget to play!



Taking care of your physical, mental and cognitive health is imperative for healthy aging.  You don’t come with a lifetime guarantee so while you are here, live your best life.  If we can help if and when your provider determines diagnostic ultrasound is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.  Our guarantee to you is that we will always be ready, willing and able.