Today’s blog reminds us that things are not always as they appear. Not everyone thinks like we think, understands what we understand or knows what we know. Often we are misunderstood or misinterpreted. What is black or white to one, is 256 shades of gray to another (only sonographers can appreciate that reference.)
High Desert Doppler does diagnostic ultrasound imaging. When naming our company, it wasn’t a consideration that some might mistake doppler ultrasound for doppler radar. If I had a dime for every time someone asked me if our company predicts weather, I’d be rich. Since I’m not, I’ll continue writing blogs.
In 1842, an Austrian physicist by the name of Christian Doppler proposed that the Doppler effect (or Doppler shift) is a noticeable change in frequency or wavelength of a wave for an observer moving relative to the source of the waves. If that didn’t bore you to tears, please continue on. It gets better. While the above explanation may be simple to some, it may be a bit unclear to another.
In regular English, I would like to explain what we do. When doing an ultrasound exam, a handheld instrument called a transducer is moved over the surface of the skin. It emits high frequency sound (inaudible to human ears) to develop ultrasound images of what’s happening inside the body. It then records the echoes as the sound waves bounce back to determine the size, shape and consistency of soft tissues and organs. This information is relayed in real time to produce images on a computer screen. This technology is invaluable because of its ability to help diagnose and treat certain conditions. What you may not know is that unlike x-rays, ultrasound poses no health risk.
Ultrasound imaging can be very helpful to your provider during procedures because it is truly the eyes and ears of what is going on inside the body that may otherwise not be seen. If you have ever had a needle biopsy, a surgical procedure or an injection that must be very precise, ultrasound can help guide your provider to the exact spot where he or she needs to be.
When some hear the word ultrasound, they think of pregnancy, babies and gender reveal parties. What you may not realize is that there are many different types of ultrasound.
Ultrasound imaging includes breast, prostate, venous, echocardiography, musculoskeletal, pelvic, carotid arteries, arterial, aorta, and abdominal imaging just to name a few.
The gang at High Desert Doppler are some of the best around. They are some of the most highly skilled, credentialed, experienced bunch around. Have you heard the famous tagline “You’re in good hands with Allstate?” Make no mistake, you are in good hands with High Desert Doppler. If your provider determines diagnostic imagine is indicated, call us at 505-350-3397.